I am trying to set the textColor
of a UITextView
by assigning it a value.
Earlier in the program I have
You can use the following function to convert a RGB hexadecimal color Int
to a UIColor
func uiColorFromHex(rgbValue: Int) -> UIColor {
// & binary AND operator to zero out other color values
// >> bitwise right shift operator
// Divide by 0xFF because UIColor takes CGFloats between 0.0 and 1.0
let red = CGFloat((rgbValue & 0xFF0000) >> 16) / 0xFF
let green = CGFloat((rgbValue & 0x00FF00) >> 8) / 0xFF
let blue = CGFloat(rgbValue & 0x0000FF) / 0xFF
let alpha = CGFloat(1.0)
return UIColor(red: red, green: green, blue: blue, alpha: alpha)
And can be used like this
let myColorValue = 0x888888
let color = uiColorFromHex(myColorValue)