Say I have the following reST input:
Some text ...
:foo: bar
Some text ...
What I would like to end up with is a dict like this:
I have an alternative solution that I find to be less of a burden, but maybe more brittle. After reviewing the implementation of the node class you will see that it supports a walk method that can be used to pull out the wanted data without having to create two different xml representations of your data. Here is what I am using now, in my protoype code:
from docutils.core import publish_doctree
import docutils.nodes
and then
def walk_docstring(prop):
doc = prop.__doc__
doctree = publish_doctree(doc)
class Walker:
def __init__(self, doc):
self.document = doc
self.fields = {}
def dispatch_visit(self,x):
if isinstance(x, docutils.nodes.field):
field_name = x.children[0].rawsource
field_value = x.children[1].rawsource
w = Walker(doctree)
# the collected fields I wanted