I\'m currently messing around with a Spring Boot REST API project for instructional purposes. I have a rather large table with 22 columns loaded into a MySQL database and am
You can do this easily with a JpaSpecificationExecutor
and a custom Specification
: https://spring.io/blog/2011/04/26/advanced-spring-data-jpa-specifications-and-querydsl/
I would replace the HashMap with a DTO containing all optional get params, then build the specifications based on that DTO, obviously you can also keep the HashMap and build the specification based on it.
public class VehicleFilter implements Specification
private String art;
private String userId;
private String vehicle;
private String identifier;
public Predicate toPredicate(Root root, CriteriaQuery> query, CriteriaBuilder cb)
ArrayList predicates = new ArrayList<>();
if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(art))
predicates.add(cb.equal(root.get("art"), art));
if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(userId))
predicates.add(cb.equal(root.get("userId"), userId));
if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(vehicle))
predicates.add(cb.equal(root.get("vehicle"), vehicle));
if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(identifier))
predicates.add(cb.equal(root.get("identifier"), fab));
return predicates.size() <= 0 ? null : cb.and(predicates.toArray(new Predicate[predicates.size()]));
// getter & setter
And the controller:
@RequestMapping(value = "/{ticket}/count", method = RequestMethod.GET)
public long getItemsCount(
@PathVariable String ticket,
VehicleFilter filter,
HttpServletRequest request
) throws Exception
return vehicleService.getCount(filter);
public long getCount(VehicleFilter filter)
return vehicleRepository.count(filter);
public interface VehicleRepository extends JpaRepository, JpaSpecificationExecutor
Just a quick example adapted from company code, you get the idea!