I get this weird error message
15/01/26 13:05:12 INFO spark.SparkContext: Created broadcast 0 from wholeTextFiles at NativeMethodAccessorImpl.java:-2
If it's really a pickling issue for a MethodDescriptorType, you could register how to pickle a MethodDescriptorType, with this:
def _getattr(objclass, name, repr_str):
# hack to grab the reference directly
attr = repr_str.split("'")[3]
return eval(attr+'.__dict__["'+name+'"]')
attr = getattr(objclass,name)
if name == '__dict__':
attr = attr[name]
return attar
def save_wrapper_descriptor(pickler, obj):
pickler = Pickler(file, protocol)
pickler.save_reduce(_getattr, (obj.__objclass__, obj.__name__,
obj.__repr__()), obj=obj)
# register the following "type" with:
# Pickler.dispatch[MethodDescriptorType] = save_wrapper_descriptor
MethodDescriptorType = type(type.__dict__['mro'])
Then, if you register the above to the pickling dispatch table that spark
uses (as shown above, or with copy_reg
), it may get past the pickling error.