I want to write \"Arabic\" in the message resource bundle (properties) file but when I try to save it I get this error:
\"Save couldn\'t be completed Some characters
Besides native2ascii tool mentioned in other answers there is a java Open Source library that can provide conversion functionality to be used in code
Library MgntUtils has a Utility that converts Strings in any language (including special characters and emojis to unicode sequence and vise versa:
result = "Hello World";
result = StringUnicodeEncoderDecoder.encodeStringToUnicodeSequence(result);
result = StringUnicodeEncoderDecoder.decodeUnicodeSequenceToString(result);
The output of this code is:
Hello World
The library can be found at Maven Central or at Github It comes as maven artifact and with sources and javadoc
Here is javadoc for the class StringUnicodeEncoderDecoder