Here is my Json File:
In Scala with org.json
library, can be easily converted to Java (although a bit more verbose). Recursively removes null
s and empty objects/arrays:
import org.json.{ JSONArray, JSONObject }
object JsonCleaner {
def clean(json: JSONObject): Boolean = {
val i = json.keys()
while (i.hasNext) clean(i, json.get(
json.length == 0
def clean(json: JSONArray): Boolean = {
val i = json.iterator()
while (i.hasNext) clean(i,
json.length == 0
private def clean(i: java.util.Iterator[_], v: Any) {
v match {
case o: JSONObject =>
if (clean(o)) i.remove()
case a: JSONArray =>
if (clean(a)) i.remove()
case JSONObject.NULL | "" =>
case _ =>