How would one go about retrieving a network device\'s netmask (In Linux preferably, but if it\'s cross-platform then cool)? I know how in C on Linux but I can\'t find a way
I had the idea to rely on subprocess to use a simple ifconfig (Linux) or ipconfig (windows) request to retrieve the info (if the ip is known). Comments welcome :
ip = '' #Example
proc = subprocess.Popen('ipconfig',stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
while True:
line = proc.stdout.readline()
if ip.encode() in line:
mask = proc.stdout.readline().rstrip().split(b':')[-1].replace(b' ',b'').decode()
ip = '' #Example
proc = subprocess.Popen('ifconfig',stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
while True:
line = proc.stdout.readline()
if ip.encode() in line:
mask = line.rstrip().split(b':')[-1].replace(b' ',b'').decode()
IP is retrieved using a socket connection to the web and using getsockname()[0]