Like the title says. I want to find out if a given java String contains an emoticon.
I can\'t use Character.UnicodeBlock.of(char) == Character.UnicodeBlock.EMO
I was in fact able to use the linked iOS code to create the following function. I didn't realize that a String that contains, for example, a single emoticon will have a length of 2. So you can check if a character is in fact a surrogate.
I'm not entirely sure how to handle else if (substring.length > 1)
from the iOS code but I think Character.isHighSurrogate(myChar)
does the same job in that instance.
private boolean containsIllegalCharacters(String displayName)
final int nameLength = displayName.length();
for (int i = 0; i < nameLength; i++)
final char hs = displayName.charAt(i);
if (0xd800 <= hs && hs <= 0xdbff)
final char ls = displayName.charAt(i + 1);
final int uc = ((hs - 0xd800) * 0x400) + (ls - 0xdc00) + 0x10000;
if (0x1d000 <= uc && uc <= 0x1f77f)
return true;
else if (Character.isHighSurrogate(hs))
final char ls = displayName.charAt(i + 1);
if (ls == 0x20e3)
return true;
// non surrogate
if (0x2100 <= hs && hs <= 0x27ff)
return true;
else if (0x2B05 <= hs && hs <= 0x2b07)
return true;
else if (0x2934 <= hs && hs <= 0x2935)
return true;
else if (0x3297 <= hs && hs <= 0x3299)
return true;
else if (hs == 0xa9 || hs == 0xae || hs == 0x303d || hs == 0x3030 || hs == 0x2b55 || hs == 0x2b1c || hs == 0x2b1b || hs == 0x2b50)
return true;
return false;