What is the "Symbol" javascript type as mentioned in this ECMAScript 6 draft specification?
To quote the spec:
The Symbol type is the se
We use symbols to make properties or methods of an object private. So we hide the details and show only the essentials. It is called abstraction.
How to implement this:Let's create a simple class with "radius" property
class Circle {
constructor(radius) {
this.radius = radius;
A symbol is essentially a unique identifier. Every time we call this function we get a unique identifier. It is not a constructor function,though.
Symbol()===Symbol() //will be false
const _radius=Symbol()
class Circle {
constructor(radius) {
this[_radius] = radius; //since property name starts with _, we use bracket notation
now test this. Create an instance of Circle:
const c=new Circle;
console.log(Object.getOwnPropertyNames(c))// you will see a number on the console.