Is there a way to determine the Object type, when passing a reference to a function?
I\'m using a security permissions function, which determines if the user has per
Simplest way to determine the access type in access is to do an object lookup within the Access' system tables.
Here would be the lookup:
DLookup("Type","MSysObjects","NAME = '" & strObject & "'")
is the name of the object within Access
The result is one of the number below OR NULL if the object does not exist in Access
1 = Access Table
4 = OBDB-Linked Table / View
5 = Access Query
6 = Attached (Linked) File (such as Excel, another Access Table or query, text file, etc.)
-32768 = Access Form
-32764 = Access Report
-32761 = Access Module
so, the dlookup would provide "-32768" for a Form or "-32764" for a Report Hope that helps