I want to use union in doctrine, i searched a lot but didn\'t get any success, this is my union query in sql, how to convert this query in doctrine?
select *
For Union Query has some Rules
(1) All SELECT Statements has same data type and same no of columns
In your select query has different datatype, no of columns are not match.
So you found Proble.
here is solution
select orderid, tutorialId, points, allow_multiple, question, answer1, image1, correct1, answer2, image2, correct2, answer3, image3, correct3, answer4, image4, correct4, answer5, image5, correct5,'1' as istest,'' as content,'' as media,'' as media_type_id
from tutorial_test
select orderid, tutorialId,'0' as istest, content, media, media_type_id,'' as points,'' as allow_multiple,'' as question,'' as answer1,'' as image1,'' as correct1,'' as answer2,'' as image2,'' as correct2,'' as answer3,'' as image3,'' as correct3,'' as answer4,'' as image4,'' as correct4,'' as answer5,'' as image5,'' as correct5, '1' as istest,'' as content,'' as media,'' as media_type_id
from tutorial_elements
where a. tutorialId = 1
order by orderid asc