OK, I think I\'m getting mad here... I thought this should be super simple, but I just can\'t figure out how to do that.
This is what I\'m trying to do: I want to cr
I have the same problem and found a way around it. For some reason if you develop a ASP.NET application Microsoft took away add new datasource functionality. The way around is not great but it does work. I use all objects and I use the Enterprise library and I want to use my objects for my reports it only makes sense why they don't enable you to do this. I have no idea why Microsoft would not allow this functionality for web apps.
But that leaves windows apps it works so what I did was create a separate windows project include my objects that I want to bind to in that project and create the report on the forms project. I then bring that report into my Asp.net web app and call it through code. Here is a few pieces of code that I use to do this. This is in VB but could be converted to C#. I also have a drop down list that selects the report that is needed and a case statement that gets the data.
Private Sub LoadReport()
pnlReport.Visible = True
Dim Dal As New DataAccess
Dim objRptOutputData = New Model.RptClientCollection
Dim lr As LocalReport = OutputReportViewer.LocalReport
Dim rds As New ReportDataSource
OutputReportViewer.Visible = True
OutputReportViewer.ProcessingMode = ProcessingMode.Local
OutputReportViewer.LocalReport.EnableHyperlinks = True
Dim SelectedReport As Integer = 0
If Me.ddlReport.SelectedItem.Value IsNot "" Then
SelectedReport = Me.ddlReport.SelectedItem.Value
End If
Select Case SelectedReport
Case ConstantEnum.Reports.ActiveWaitingList
objRptOutputData = Dal.GetRptClientsByStatus(ConstantEnum.Status.ActiveWaitingList)
lr.ReportPath = "Reporting\Report1.rdlc"
rds.Name = "dsClient"
rds.Value = objRptOutputData
Me.lblCount.Text = "Count: " & objRptOutputData.Count
Case ConstantEnum.Reports.InactiveWaitingList
' This is a small app I have about 15 case statements if it was bigger I would of done this selection a bit different.
End Select
Catch ex As Exception
ExceptionUtility.SendError(ex, "Reports", "LoadReport")
End Try
End Sub