What are the Spring Batch “default” Context Variables?

后端 未结 3 928
轮回少年 2021-01-05 04:41

In the Spring Batch step-scope documentation, there are three unexplained spring-batch context maps: jobParameters, jobExecutionContext, and

  •  有刺的猬
    2021-01-05 05:06

    #{jobParameters}, #{jobExecutionContext} and #{stepExecutionContext} are the spEL (Spring Expression Language) counterpart of JobParameters, JobExecution and StepExecution objects available in late-binding to allow non-static access to this objects values from step scoped object.

    They support access as Maps so you can access the ExecutionContext associated to JobExecution and StepExecution and values stored in JobParameters.

    Also check StepScope documentation for more information.
