I want to do countdown timer with pause and restart.Now i am displaying countdown timer By implenting ontick() and onfinish().please help me out.HEre is th code for countdow
My first answer on stackOverFlow, hope it should help :) ...
This is how I solved the problem, control timer from Fragment, Bottomsheet, Service, Dialog as per your requirement, keep a static boolean
variable to control.
declare in your Activity:
long presetTime, runningTime;
Handler mHandler =new Handler();
Runnable countDownRunnable;
Toast toastObj;
public static boolean shouldTimerRun = true;
TextView counterTv;
In onCreate:
presetTime =60000L;
runningTime= presetTime;
//setting up Timer
countDownRunnable=new Runnable() {
public void run() {
if (shouldTimerRun) //if false, it runs but skips counting
if (runningTime==0) {
deployToast("Task Completed"); //show toast on task completion
runningTime -= 1000;
presetTime = runningTime; //to resume the timer from last position
mHandler.postDelayed(countDownRunnable,1000); //simulating on-tick
mHandler.post(countDownRunnable); // Start our CountdownTimer
Now, whenever you want to pause the timer change the value of shouldTimerRun
and to resume make it true
public void onResume() {
public void onPause() {
deployToast("Timer is paused !!");
Helping methods: (can be skipped)
public static String simplifyTimeInMillis(long time) {
String result="";
long difference = time;
long secondsInMilli = 1000;
long minutesInMilli = secondsInMilli * 60;
long hoursInMilli = minutesInMilli * 60;
if (difference<1000){
return "0";
if (difference>=3600000) {
result = result + String.valueOf(difference / hoursInMilli) + "hr ";
difference = difference % hoursInMilli;
if (difference>=60000) {
result = result + String.valueOf(difference / minutesInMilli) + "m ";
difference = difference % minutesInMilli;
if (difference>=1000){
result = result + String.valueOf(difference / secondsInMilli) + "s";
return result;
public void deployToast(String msg){
if (toastObj!=null)
toastObj = Toast.makeText(mContext,msg,Toast.LENGTH_SHORT);