I am new to C programming and this is my problem:
I want to store the first value of each array in a new array, then the second value of each array in a new array an
int* (*a[5])[5][5][5]
declares an array of 5 pointers to a 3d array of pointers to ints
int* (*(*a[5])[5])[5][5][5]
declares an array of 5 pointers to an array of 5 pointers to a 3d array of pointers to ints.
int main()
int t1[4]={0,1,2,3};
int t2[4]={4,5,6,7};
int t3[4]={8,9,10,11};
int t4[4]={12,13,14,15};
int (*tab[4])[4]={&t1,&t2,&t3,&t4};
int i,j,k,l;
for (i=0; i<4;i++)
printf("%d\t", (*tab[i])[1]);
return 0;
There's a difference between t2
and &t2
. Though they have the same value their types are different. int [4]
vs int (*)[4]
. The compiler will throw a warning (clang) or error (gcc).
int a[4]
is conceptually at compiler level a pointer to an array of 4 as well as being the array itself (&a == a
int (*a)[4]
is conceptually at compiler level a pointer to a pointer to an array of 4 as well as being a pointer to the array itself (a == *a
) because it's pointing to an array type where the above is true.