I am using Borland Turbo C++ with some inlined assembler code, so presumably Turbo Assembler (TASM) style assembly code. I wish to do the following:
void foo
A couple more things (shots in the dark) to try:
see if using the following assembly instruction helps:
mov eax, offset SomeLabel
most compilers can produce an assembly listing of the code they generate (not sure if Turbo C++ can, since Codegear/Embarcadero position it as a free, non-professional compiler).
Try producing a listing with C code that has an uses a label (as a goto
target for example), with some inline assembly in the same function - but don't try to access the label from the assembly. This is so you can get a compiler with no errors and an assembly listing. Something like:
int foo()
int x = 3;
printf( "x =%d\n", x);
goto SomeLabel;
__asm {
mov eax, 0x01
printf( "x =%d\n", x);
return x;
Look at the assembly listing and see if the generated assembly decorates the label name in a way that you might be able to replicate in the inline assembly.