I want to read the raw binary of a file and put it into a string. Currently I am opening a file with the \"rb\" flag and printing the byte but it\'s coming up as ASCII chara
to get the binary representation I think you will need to import binascii, then:
byte = f.read(1)
binary_string = bin(int(binascii.hexlify(byte), 16))[2:].zfill(8)
or, broken down:
import binascii
filePath = "mysong.mp3"
file = open(filePath, "rb")
with file:
byte = file.read(1)
hexadecimal = binascii.hexlify(byte)
decimal = int(hexadecimal, 16)
binary = bin(decimal)[2:].zfill(8)
print("hex: %s, decimal: %s, binary: %s" % (hexadecimal, decimal, binary))
will output:
hex: 64, decimal: 100, binary: 01100100