I am writing a plugin for Wordpress, which should check if a mysql entry already exists.
If it does not exist Wordpress should insert the entry into the table. This part
$result = $wpdb->update('westend_areaofficers', array('officerOrder' => $memberOrder,
'officerTitle' => $memberTitle, 'officerName' => $memberName, 'officerPhone' =>
$memberPhone), array('officerId' => $memberId), array('%d','%s', '%s', '%s'),
if($result > 0){
echo "Successfully Updated";
exit( var_dump( $wpdb->last_query ) );
The above solution is what worked for me because using the $wpbd->query($wpbd->prepare())
statement didn't work even when passing in the correct number and string formats.
The purpose of the var_dump() function is to see where the execution of the query
went wrong. It prints out the query and values being passed. Of course using
the $wpdb->flush() function clears the cache for the next query to execute.