So recently I noticed a flash video player I created started running in to insecure content issues when played through an https URL. I spent quite some time going through al
So finally, months later I have stumbled across a solution to this issue in CS6. Like in Flex you must essentially disable the RSL linkage to adobe and instead have everything embedded within your own code; the biggest problem was figuring out how to do that since everything I found only explained where this setting was in Flex.
So, for Flash users you can fix this by following:
- Choose File > Publish Settings.
- Click the Flash Tab.
- Click the Settings button next to the Script menu.
- Click the Library Path tab.
- Select Merged Into Code from the Default Linkage menu.
This information was burried in adobe's help site:
This (obviously) greatly increased the size of my .swf but it seems to have removed all issues with insecure content being pulled from adobe's servers under an https protocol.