Thinking about this a little more. You could just have a single controller for those generic CRUD/REST type operations. Then load the templates using the resource and view parameters.
- Create
- #/foo/create/0
- This has it's own form template "/views/foo/create.html" and the 0 os just there for a placeholder.
- on submit you would call a method on the controller ng-click="save()" which would post to the server at POST "/rest/foo".
- Read
- #/foo/view/1
- Again the template "/views/foo/view.html" is just a view of the data
- You can call a service method to get the data from your server using GET "/rest/foo/1"
- Update
- Could use the same template as create or you could use a different one "/views/foo/edit.html" if you like.
- Also pull the data using GET "/rest/foo/1"
- Submit the data using PUT "/rest/foo/1"
- Delete
- #/foo/delete/1
- service method would call DELETE "/rest/foo/1"
- I don't think you want a hash for this, but you could use one because the controller could actually do a verification or anything you like to confirm the deletion. Maybe have a view called "/views/foo/delete.html" that asks if you want to delete the record. Then you could have ng-click="delete(itemid)" on a button somewhere that deletes the item via ajax.
All this could be done using a single controller/service and dynamically generating the service and view urls.
Anything that's custom you would need a custom controller and custom routes and service methods for. I could probably throw together an example, but not tonight.