I have the following table in mysql(5.7.12):
class Story(db.Model):
sections_ids = Column(JSON, nullable=False, default=[])
Use JSON_CONTAINS(json_doc, val[, path]):
from sqlalchemy import func
# JSON_CONTAINS returns 0 or 1, not found or found. Not sure if MySQL
# likes integer values in WHERE, added == 1 just to be safe
session.query(Story).filter(func.json_contains(Story.section_ids, X) == 1).all()
As you're searching an array at the top level, you do not need to give path. Alternatively beginning from 8.0.17 you can use value MEMBER OF(json_array), but using it in SQLAlchemy is a little less ergonomic in my opinion:
from sqlalchemy import literal
# self_group forces generation of parenthesis that the syntax requires
session.query(Story).filter(literal(X).bool_op('MEMBER OF')(Story.section_ids.self_group())).all()