How come I can do this?
var dict = [AnyHashable : Int]()
dict[NSObject()] = 1
dict[\"\"] = 2
This implies that NSObject>
You can find this code, when you cmd-click on [
or ]
of dict[NSObject()] = 1
in the Swift editor of Xcode (8.2.1, a little different in 8.3 beta):
extension Dictionary where Key : _AnyHashableProtocol {
public subscript(key: _Hashable) -> Value?
public mutating func updateValue(_ value: Value, forKey key: ConcreteKey) -> Value?
public mutating func removeValue(forKey key: ConcreteKey) -> Value?
and _Hashable
are hidden types, so you may need to check the Swift source code. Simply:
is a hidden super-protocol of Hashable
, so, Int
, String
, NSObject
or all other Hashable
types conform to _Hashable
is a hidden protocol, where AnyHashable
is the only type which conforms to _AnyHashableProtocol
So, the extension above is very similar to this code in Swift 3.1.
extension Dictionary where Key == AnyHashable {
You see, when you write such code like this:
var dict = [AnyHashable : Int]()
dict[NSObject()] = 1
dict[""] = 2
You are using the subscript
operator defined in the extension.