How can I replace *args
and **kwargs
with the real signature in the documentation of decorated functions?
Let\'s say I have the following d
You ordinarily can't. That is because the variable names used as parameters in the wrapped function are not even present on the wrapped function - so Sphinx do not know about them.
That is a known complicated issue in Python - so much that recent versions - including not only Python 3, but also Python 2.7 included a __wrapped__
attribute on class decorated that make the proper use from functools.wraps
that way, upon inspecting the decorated function one is able to know about the actual wrrapped function by looking at __wrapped__
. Unfortunatelly, Sphinxs ignores the __wrapped__
, and show the info on the wrapper function instead.
SO, one thing to do is certainly to report this as a bug to the Sphinx project itself - it should take __wrapped__
in account.
A meantime workaround for that would be to change the wrapper function to actually include more information about the wrapped - like its signature - so you could write another function to be called in place of "functools.wraps" for your project, which does just that: pre-pend the function signature to its docstring, if any. Unfortunatelly, retrieving the function signatures in Python older than 3.3 is tricky - (for 3.3 and newer, check ) - but anyway, for a naive form, you could write another version of "wraps" along:
def wraps(original_func):
wrap_decorator = functools.wraps(original_func)
def re_wrapper(func):
wrapper = wrap_decorator(func)
poorman_sig = original_func.__code__.co_varnames[
wrapper.__doc__ = "{} ({})\n\n{}".format (
original_func.__name__, ", ".join(poorman_sig),
return wrapper
return re_wrapper
And use that instead of "functools.wraps". It would at least add a line with the parameter names, (but not th e defalt values) as first line in the docs.
---Hmm..maybe it would be easier just to patch Sphinx to use __wrapped__
before getting this done right.