Is there any way to make a list
call a function every time the list is modified?
For example:
>>>l = [1, 2, 3]
Borrowing from the suggestion by @sr2222, here's my attempt. (I'll use a decorator without the syntactic sugar):
import sys
_pyversion = sys.version_info[0]
def callback_method(func):
def notify(self,*args,**kwargs):
for _,callback in self._callbacks:
return func(self,*args,**kwargs)
return notify
class NotifyList(list):
extend = callback_method(list.extend)
append = callback_method(list.append)
remove = callback_method(list.remove)
pop = callback_method(list.pop)
__delitem__ = callback_method(list.__delitem__)
__setitem__ = callback_method(list.__setitem__)
__iadd__ = callback_method(list.__iadd__)
__imul__ = callback_method(list.__imul__)
#Take care to return a new NotifyList if we slice it.
if _pyversion < 3:
__setslice__ = callback_method(list.__setslice__)
__delslice__ = callback_method(list.__delslice__)
def __getslice__(self,*args):
return self.__class__(list.__getslice__(self,*args))
def __getitem__(self,item):
if isinstance(item,slice):
return self.__class__(list.__getitem__(self,item))
return list.__getitem__(self,item)
def __init__(self,*args):
self._callbacks = []
self._callback_cntr = 0
def register_callback(self,cb):
self._callback_cntr += 1
return self._callback_cntr - 1
def unregister_callback(self,cbid):
for idx,(i,cb) in enumerate(self._callbacks):
if i == cbid:
return cb
return None
if __name__ == '__main__':
A = NotifyList(range(10))
def cb():
print ("Modify!")
#register a callback
cbid = A.register_callback(cb)
A += [1,2,3]
A *= 3
A[1:2] = [5]
del A[1:2]
#Add another callback. They'll be called in order (oldest first)
def cb2():
print ("Modify2")
print ("-"*80)
A[5] = 'baz'
print ("-"*80)
#unregister the first callback
A[5] = 'qux'
print ("-"*80)
print (A)
print (type(A[1:3]))
print (type(A[1:3:2]))
print (type(A[5]))
The great thing about this is if you realize you forgot to consider a particular method, it's just 1 line of code to add it. (For example, I forgot __iadd__
and __imul__
until just now :)
I've updated the code slightly to be py2k and py3k compatible. Additionally, slicing creates a new object of the same type as the parent. Please feel free to continue poking holes in this recipe so I can make it better. This actually seems like a pretty neat thing to have on hand ...