I have a Pandas Dataframe of indices and values between 0 and 1, something like this:
6 0.047033
7 0.047650
8 0.054067
9 0.064767
10 0.073183
11 0.
You can find the first and last element of each consecutive region by looking at the series and 1-row shifted values, and then filter the pairs which are adequately apart from each other:
# tag rows based on the threshold
df['tag'] = df['values'] > .5
# first row is a True preceded by a False
fst = df.index[df['tag'] & ~ df['tag'].shift(1).fillna(False)]
# last row is a True followed by a False
lst = df.index[df['tag'] & ~ df['tag'].shift(-1).fillna(False)]
# filter those which are adequately apart
pr = [(i, j) for i, j in zip(fst, lst) if j > i + 4]
so for example the first region would be:
>>> i, j = pr[0]
>>> df.loc[i:j]
indices values tag
15 16 0.639992 True
16 17 0.593427 True
17 18 0.810888 True
18 19 0.596243 True
19 20 0.812684 True
20 21 0.617945 True