Hi I am trying to convert my df to binary and store it in a variable.
df = pd.DataFrame({\'A\':[1,2,3],\'B\':[4,5,6]})
my code
Pickle is a reproducible format for a Pandas dataframe, but it's only for internal use among trusted users. It's not for sharing with untrusted users due to security reasons.
import pickle
# Export:
my_bytes = pickle.dumps(df, protocol=4)
# Import:
df_restored = pickle.loads(my_bytes)
This was tested with Pandas 1.1.2. Unfortunately this failed for a very large dataframe, but then what worked is pickling and parallel-compressing each column individually, followed by pickling this list. Alternatively you can pickle chunks of the large dataframe.
If you must use a CSV representation:
Note that various datatypes are lost when using CSV.
See this answer. Note that various datatypes are converted when using parquet.
Avoid its use for the most part because it limits the max number of rows and columns.