I\'m using @ngrx/store for an Angular 2 app.
My store holds a list of say, Book
objects. I want to update a field in one of those objects. I also happ
As already mentioned - the reason you are getting
Cannot assign to read only property 'name' of object
is because 'ngrx-store-freeze' freezes the state and prevents mutating it.
Object.assign will provide a new object as you expect, but it will copy the state's properties along with each property's own definition - such as the 'writable' definition (which 'ngrx-store-freeze' likely sets to false).
A different approach is described in this answer and explains how cloning objects with JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(yourObject)) as fastest, but this approach has flaws if you keep dates or methods etc' in your state.
using lodash's 'cloneDeep' is probably your best bet for deep cloning the state.