Is there a way to programmatically access the \"Kanban Column\" for a WorkItem using the TFS 2012 API?
Using the Scrum 2.2 template, the history of a Bug or Product
I've found a way to read the value using the TFS 2013 API, inside the ISubscriber.ProcessEvent method:
var workItemId = 12345;
var extService = new WorkItemTypeExtensionService();
var workItemService = new WorkItemService();
var wit = workItemService.GetWorkItem(requestContext, workItemId);
foreach (var wef in extService.GetExtensions(requestContext, wit.WorkItemTypeExtensionIds))
foreach (var field in wef.Fields)
if (field.LocalName == "Kanban Column" || field.LocalName == "Backlog items Column")
// Access the new column name
var columnName = wit.LatestData[field.Field.FieldId];