I have been poking around for a good solution for a vim thesaurus. The capability is built-in, obviously, but the file everyone seems to use is the mthesaur.txt. While it \'
Script for ~/.vimrc, it needs the file thesaurii.txt (merged dictionaries from https://github.com/moshahmed/vim/blob/master/thesaurus/thesaurii.txt) and perl.exe in path for searching for synonyms. Script tested on win7 and cygwin perl.
Calls aspell to do spell correction, if no synonyms are found. See https://stackoverflow.com/a/53825144/476175 on how to call this function on pressing [tab].
set thesaurus=thesaurii.txt
let s:thesaurus_pat = "thesaurii.txt"
set completeopt+=menuone
set omnifunc=MoshThesaurusOmniCompleter
function! MoshThesaurusOmniCompleter(findstart, base)
" == First call: find-space-backwards, see :help omnifunc
if a:findstart
let s:line = getline('.')
let s:wordStart = col('.') - 1
" Check backward, accepting only non-white space
while s:wordStart > 0 && s:line[s:wordStart - 1] =~ '\S'
let s:wordStart -= 1
return s:wordStart
" == Second call: perl grep thesaurus for word_before_cursor, output: comma separated wordlist
" == Test: so % and altitude[press ]
let a:word_before_cursor = substitute(a:base,'\W','.','g')
let s:cmd='perl -ne ''chomp; '
\.'next if m/^[;#]/;'
\.'print qq/$_,/ if '
\.'/\b'.a:word_before_cursor.'\b/io; '' '
" == To: Debug perl grep cmd, redir to file and echom till redir END.
" redir >> c:/tmp/vim.log
" echom s:cmd
let s:rawOutput = substitute(system(s:cmd), '\n\+$', '', '')
" echom s:rawOutput
let s:listing = split(s:rawOutput, ',')
" echom join(s:listing,',')
" redir END
if len(s:listing) > 0
return s:listing
" Try spell correction with aspell: echo mispeltword | aspell -a
let s:cmd2 ='echo '.a:word_before_cursor
\.'|aspell -a'
\.'|perl -lne ''chomp; next unless s/^[&]\s.*?:\s*//; print '' '
let s:rawOutput2 = substitute(system(s:cmd2), '\n\+$', '', '')
let s:listing2 = split(s:rawOutput2, ',\s*')
if len(s:listing2) > 0
return s:listing2
" Search dictionary without word delimiters.
let s:cmd3='perl -ne ''chomp; '
\.'next if m/^[;#]/;'
\.'print qq/$_,/ if '
\.'/'.a:word_before_cursor.'/io; '' '
let s:rawOutput3 = substitute(system(s:cmd3), '\n\+$', '', '')
let s:listing3 = split(s:rawOutput3, ',\s*')
if len(s:listing3) > 0
return s:listing3
" Don't return empty list
return [a:word_before_cursor, '(no synonyms or spell correction)']