while doing logs in the multiple module of vertx, it is a basic requirement that we should be able to correlate all the logs for a single request.
as vertx being asy
There's a surprising lack of good answers published about this, which is odd, given how easy it is.
Assuming you set the correlationId in your MDC context on receipt of a request or message, the simplest way I've found to propagate it is to use interceptors to pass the value between contexts:
.addInboundInterceptor(deliveryContext -> {
MultiMap headers = deliveryContext.message().headers();
if (headers.contains("correlationId")) {
MDC.put("correlationId", headers.get("correlationId"));
.addOutboundInterceptor(deliveryContext -> {
deliveryContext.message().headers().add("correlationId", MDC.get("correlationId"));