I need to create a process to import a multi tabbed excel spreadsheet into SQL Server 2008R2. Each tab will be a different table in the database. This will need to be done w
Below is the code to insert data from a csv file into a given table. I don't what the full requirements are for the project, but if I were you I would just separate each table into a different file and then just run a proc that inserts data into each of the tables.
FROM 'c:\filename.csv'
insert into import_history ('filename', 'import_date') values ('your_file_name', getdate())
Also, for the table that tracks imports and timestamps them, you could just insert some data into that table after each bulk insert as seen above.
Also, here's a link to tutorial on bulk inserting from a csv file that may also help: http://blog.sqlauthority.com/2008/02/06/sql-server-import-csv-file-into-sql-server-using-bulk-insert-load-comma-delimited-file-into-sql-server/