I have 2 or more dynamic string array that fill with some huge data , i want to merge this 2 array to one array , i know i can do it with a for loop like this :
You can use built-in Move function which moves a block of memory to another location. Parameters are source and target memory blocks and size of data to be moved.
Because you are copying strings, source arrays must be destroyed after the merging by filling them with zeroes. Otherwise refcounts for strings will be all wrong causing havoc and destruction later in the program.
Arr1, Arr2, MergedArr: Array of string;
I: Integer;
SetLength(Arr1, 5000000);
for I := Low(Arr1) to High(Arr1) do
Arr1[I] := IntToStr(I);
SetLength(Arr2, 5000000);
for I := Low(Arr2) to High(Arr2) do
Arr2[I] := IntToStr(I);
// Set length of MergedArr to length of ( Arra1 + Arr2 )+ 2
SetLength(MergedArr, High(Arr1)+ High(Arr2)+2);
// Add Arr1 to MergedArr
Move(Arr1[Low(Arr1)], MergedArr[Low(MergedArr)], Length(Arr1)*SizeOf(Arr1[0]));
// Add Arr2 to MergedArr
Move(Arr2[Low(Arr2)], MergedArr[High(Arr1)+1], Length(Arr2)*SizeOf(Arr2[0]));
// Cleanup Arr1 and Arr2 without touching string refcount.
FillChar(Arr1[Low(Arr1)], Length(Arr1)*SizeOf(Arr1[0]), 0);
FillChar(Arr2[Low(Arr2)], Length(Arr2)*SizeOf(Arr2[0]), 0);
// Test
for I := Low(Arr1) to High(Arr1) do begin
Assert(MergedArr[I] = IntToStr(I));
Assert(MergedArr[I] = MergedArr[Length(Arr1) + I]);
// Clear the array to see if something is wrong with refcounts
for I := Low(MergedArr) to High(MergedArr) do
MergedArr[I] := '';