How should I extract the value of a field of a case class from a given String value representing the field.
For example:
case class Person(name: Stri
What you're looking for can be achieve using Shapeless lenses. This will also put the constraint that a field actually exists on a case class at compile time rather than run time:
import shapeless._
case class Person(name: String, age: Int)
val nameLens = lens[Person] >> 'name
val p = Person("myName", 25)
res0: String = myName
If you try to extract a non existing field, you get a compile time error, which is a much stronger guarantee:
import shapeless._
case class Person(name: String, age: Int)
val nonExistingLens = lens[Person] >> 'bla
val p = Person("myName", 25)
Compiler yells:
Error:(5, 44) could not find implicit value for parameter mkLens: shapeless.MkFieldLens[Person,Symbol with shapeless.tag.Tagged[String("bla")]]
val nonExistingLens = lens[Person] >> 'bla