I would like to concatenate a variable with a string.
In line 7 to line 11 I try to concat !somevariable! with a string or with %%P variable.
But this does not
The concatenation works! But your echo fails.
As you are in a command block (parenthesis) all percent variables are expanded before the block will be executed, so the output of echo "%myvar%"
is the content of myvar before entering the FOR-Loop.
But you know the correct way already, using the delayed expansion (with !
So your code should look like
SETLOCAL EnableDelayedExpansion
for /f "delims=" %%P in ('dir /b *.pdf') do (
SET "sPDFName=%%~nxP"
echo "!sPDFName:~0,1!"
IF "!sPDFName:~0,1!"=="1" (SET "sPDFName=!sPDFName:~0,1!")
IF "!sPDFName:~0,1!"=="0" (SET "sPDFName=!sPDFName:~0,1!")
SET tempStr=GEN !sPDFName!
SET myvar=!myvar! %%P
echo "!myvar!"
echo "!tempStr!"
::echo "!sPDFName!"
for /f "delims=" %%H in ('dir /b *.html') do (
IF "!sPDFName:~-0!"=="!%%H:~0,1!" echo %%H