I\'ve been trying to get Pygame running on Mac OS X Mountain Lion and have had problems installing it. I have installed the following packages using homebrew:
Maybe this wont help you in your problem. But seeing that many people may find this post because they can't get pygame to install on Mountain Lion I will be posting a solution here:
First, I don't know why Apple's Python 2.7.2 version did not install the Python.framework bundle on the /Library/Frameworks directory. In order to fix that, you have to install the 2.7.3 version provided on python.org
Then you may reinstall pygame on your hard disk. The version I used is the pygame-1.9.1-for-32bit-python2.7
Now you are ready to go. Reopen Terminal and type python. You should see the python interpreter and at the top version 2.7.3
Because of the 32bit pygame restriction, I have to run my programs like this:
arch -i386 python main.py
Hope this helps other people.