I have a JSON string that looks like:
Using the JS Utils in ServiceStack.Common is the preferred way to deserialize adhoc JSON with unknown types since it will return the relevant C# object based on the JSON payload, e.g deserializing an object with:
var obj = JSON.parse("{\"Id\":\"..\"}");
Will return a loose-typed Dictionary
which you can cast to access the JSON object dynamic contents:
if (obj is Dictionary dict) {
var id = (string)dict["Id"];
But if you prefer to use ServiceStack.Text typed JSON serializers, it can't deserialize into an object since it doesn't know what type to deserialize into so it leaves it as a string which is an object.
Consider using ServiceStack's dynamic APIs to deserialize arbitrary JSON, e.g:
var json = @"{\"Id\":\"fb1d17c7298c448cb7b91ab7041e9ff6\",
var obj = JsonObject.Parse(json);
Or parsing into a dynamic:
dynamic dyn = DynamicJson.Deserialize(json);
string id = dyn.Id;
string name = dyn.Name;
string dob = dyn.DateOfBirth;
"DynamicJson: {0}, {1}, {2}".Print(id, name, dob);
Another option is to tell ServiceStack to convert object types to a Dictionary, e.g:
JsConfig.ConvertObjectTypesIntoStringDictionary = true;
var map = (Dictionary)json.FromJson