I want to try to use Airflow instead of Cron. But schedule_interval doesn\'t work as I expected.
I wrote the python code like below.
And in my understanding, Air
With the example you've given @daily
will run your job after it passes midnight. You might try changing it either to timedelta(days=1)
which is relative to your fixed start_date
that includes 08:15.
Or you could use a cron spec for the schedule_interval='15 08 * * *'
in which case any start date prior to 8:15 on the day BEFORE the day you wanted the first run would work.
Note that depends_on_past: False
is already the default, and you may have confused its behavior with catchup=false
in the DAG parameters, which would avoid making past runs for time between the start date and now where the DAG schedule interval would have run.