I am new to kafka and trying to understand if there is a way to read messages from last consumed offset, but not from beginning.
I am writing an example case, so tha
I am new to kafka and trying to understand if there is a way to read messages from last consumed offset, but not from beginning.
Yes, it is possible to use console consumer to read from the last consumed offset. You have to add consumer.config flag while invoking kafka-console-consumer.
[root@sandbox bin]# ./kafka-console-consumer.sh --topic test1 --zookeeper localhost:2181 --consumer.config /home/mrnakumar/consumer.properties
Here /home/mrnakumar/consumer.properties is a file containing group.id. Here is how the /home/mrnakumar/consumer.properties looks:-
Withoug using consumer.config, it is possible to read either from beginning [ by using --from-beginning] or end of the Log only. End of the Log means all the messages published after consumer start.