In android(java) when you get the current latitude and longitude using the function getlatitude() etc you get the coordinates in decimal format:
Here's a Kotlin version, adapted from Martin Weber's answer. It also sets the correct hemisphere; N, S, W or E
object LocationConverter {
fun latitudeAsDMS(latitude: Double, decimalPlace: Int): String {
val direction = if (latitude > 0) "N" else "S"
var strLatitude = Location.convert(latitude.absoluteValue, Location.FORMAT_SECONDS)
strLatitude = replaceDelimiters(strLatitude, decimalPlace)
strLatitude += " $direction"
return strLatitude
fun longitudeAsDMS(longitude: Double, decimalPlace: Int): String {
val direction = if (longitude > 0) "W" else "E"
var strLongitude = Location.convert(longitude.absoluteValue, Location.FORMAT_SECONDS)
strLongitude = replaceDelimiters(strLongitude, decimalPlace)
strLongitude += " $direction"
return strLongitude
private fun replaceDelimiters(str: String, decimalPlace: Int): String {
var str = str
str = str.replaceFirst(":".toRegex(), "°")
str = str.replaceFirst(":".toRegex(), "'")
val pointIndex = str.indexOf(".")
val endIndex = pointIndex + 1 + decimalPlace
if (endIndex < str.length) {
str = str.substring(0, endIndex)
str += "\""
return str