I had posted this review on codereview.stackexchange.com a while ago... I feel it may be more suitable for stackoverflow, since it is more of a question than a code review.
More abstraction -> more abstraction leaks.
I have complete solution how to generate controllers from EF model definition using exression trees
Check this, how the controller's code looks after all "duplicated code" is removed:
or this ("Roles" can be created when "Users" was imported from AD )
Those blocks on start configures full controller with a lot of features (e.g. rowversion support, sql server constraints error parsers and etc., one-to many, many-to-many, unhandled expceptions support)
static ControllerMeta meta = new ControllerMeta(
// how to find entity by "id"
findByIdExpression: id => e => e.UserId == id,
// how to extract "id" from http responce
keyConverter: Converters.TryParseInt,
// configure EF includes for Index page
indexIncludes: chain => chain
.IncludeAll(e => e.UserPrivilegeMap)
// ... and so on, try to read it
But those definitions actually is a kind of new Internal DSL. In fact you are asking "how to write new DSL that defines controllers/pages in bigger bricks". Answer is - it is easy, but there is a reason why people stick to general purpose languages. It is because it is "general".
P.S. One detail: if you want that "full controller" could be contracted/configured at run time, therefore you are forced to parse http requests by youself - and ignore MS parameters binding model - it is because BindAttribute
- important binding modificator - can't be "set up" run time simple way. For many people - even when they loose "int id" in parameters list - is too high price. Even if refusing of MS parameters binding is very logical: why would you need to keep MS parameters binding magic when you are going to configure whole controller magically?