I am trying to understand and resolve and error I am seeing in the Eclipse workspace log while working on an Android app that implements an IME. I am new to Android and Ecli
Are you using API 14 or higher? If so thats the problem. I guess it is a bug in that version. In API 11 it works.
If you try API 11 you have to do some hack with overriding the getResources() method. Check this for more info. After this it will work.
Actually i think there is no way to jump through this from your LatinKeyboardView on API 14 (or maybe higher) because you can not even use the isInEditMode() because you definitely have to invoke the View's constructor with super. And that constructor will try to get the audio system service which just simply fails because i guess you try to run this in eclipse graphical editor (actually i got this error when i tried to place my custom view into a layout in the grapical layout editor)
I think that the only way to hack this is to implement your own KeyboardView without the getSystemService. Maybe should not call that method if isInEditMode == true.