I want to update the contents of a Google doc using the Google Drive API V3 (javascript):
I build gDriveSync.js library to sync with google drive using javascript v3 api https://github.com/vitogit/gDriveSync.js
You can check the sourcecode of what I did (https://github.com/vitogit/gDriveSync.js/blob/master/lib/drive.service.js) , basically is a 2 step process, first you create the file and then you update it.
this.saveFile = function(file, done) {
function addContent(fileId) {
return gapi.client.request({
path: '/upload/drive/v3/files/' + fileId,
method: 'PATCH',
params: {
uploadType: 'media'
body: file.content
var metadata = {
mimeType: 'application/vnd.google-apps.document',
name: file.name,
fields: 'id'
if (file.parents) {
metadata.parents = file.parents;
if (file.id) { //just update
addContent(file.id).then(function(resp) {
console.log('File just updated', resp.result);
} else { //create and update
resource: metadata
}).then(function(resp) {
addContent(resp.result.id).then(function(resp) {
console.log('created and added content', resp.result);