In the process of finding a solution for Django ORM order by exact, I created a custom django Func:
from django.db.models import Func
class Position(Func):
basis on the John Moutafis ideas, final function is (inside the __init__
method we use Values
for safety result.)
from django.db.models import Func, F, Value
from django.db.models.functions import Lower
class Instr(Func):
function = 'INSTR'
def __init__(self, string, substring, insensitive=False, **extra):
if not substring:
raise ValueError('Empty substring not allowed')
if not insensitive:
expressions = F(string), Value(substring)
expressions = Lower(string), Lower(Value(substring))
super(Instr, self).__init__(*expressions)
def as_postgresql(self, compiler, connection):
return self.as_sql(compiler, connection, function='STRPOS')