I\'m new to R and I\'m currently trying to supply the enumeration-like argument to the R function (or the RC/R6 class method), I currently use character vector plus ma
Here is a simple method which supports enums with assigned values or which use the name as the value by default:
makeEnum <- function(inputList) {
myEnum <- as.list(inputList)
enumNames <- names(myEnum)
if (is.null(enumNames)) {
names(myEnum) <- myEnum
} else if ("" %in% enumNames) {
stop("The inputList has some but not all names assigned. They must be all assigned or none assigned")
If you are simply trying to make a defined list of names and don't care about the values you can use like this:
colors <- makeEnum(c("red", "green", "blue"))
If you wish, you can specify the values:
hexColors <- makeEnum(c(red="#FF0000", green="#00FF00", blue="#0000FF"))
In either case it is easy to access the enum names because of code completion:
> hexColors$green
[1] "#00FF00"
To check if a variable is a value in your enum you can check like this:
> param <- hexColors$green
> param %in% hexColors