On the Angular website they have an example of a Parent and Child component talking to each other using @Output() onVoted = new EventEmitter
If you see example on the Angular website and they don't unsubscribe then why do you think you should do it?
Angular takes care about it.
When it creates directive instance it subscribes to the outputs:
if (def.outputs.length) {
for (let i = 0; i < def.outputs.length; i++) {
const output = def.outputs[i];
const subscription = instance[output.propName !].subscribe(
eventHandlerClosure(view, def.parent !.nodeIndex, output.eventName));
view.disposables ![def.outputIndex + i] = subscription.unsubscribe.bind(subscription);
and when it destroyes component it also automatically unsubscribes from output subscriptions:
export function destroyView(view: ViewData) {
if (view.disposables) {
for (let i = 0; i < view.disposables.length; i++) {
So every time you destroy your directive angular will dispose all subscription for you.
But if you subscribe to EventEmitter
manually in code then you have to unsubscribe yourself.