I\'m looking for a better solution for two things:
How can I understand if the data is fetched and ready, I use BasicDealList.on(\"reset\", function()
I know this question has already been answered but here is an alternative.
BasicDealCollection = Backbone.Collection.extend({
model: BasicDeal,
url: '/some/ajax/url/',
myCollection = new BasicDealCollection()
deferred = myCollection.fetch()
$.when(deferred).then(function() {
// do stuff when we have the data.
The key benefit of this is that we are using the "when" function. The "when" function gives us the ability to check multiple fetch calls and do one success.
$.when(deferredOne, deferredTwo, deferredThree).then(function() {
// do stuff when we have the data.
Also, if we stored the deferred object into a variable, we can do things like this. The variable will be a flag to let us know that we already loaded the data.
if (deferred.state() === "resolved") {
// do stuff when we have the data.
When we call fetch() on a collection it returns a jQuery deferred object. A jQuery deferred object can be in 3 states, "pending", "rejected" or "resolved" and once we have the data, it will set the state of the deferred object to resolved.