Is there any possibility of giving variable name to hex/rgb numbers in .qss file . For eh
myColor = #FFCC08
QPushButton { background-color: myColor;}
You could build your own tiny Sass quite easily:
1.Create a text file with definitions of variables. Use simple format like this:
@myColor = #FFDDEE
@myColor2 = #112233
@myWidth = 20px
2.In qss file use variable names:
QPushButton {
background-color: @myColor;
min-width: @myWidth;
3.Open both files and for each variable in definition file change its occurrence in qss file with the value (string) from the definition file. It is a simple string replacement.
4.Apply the preprocessed qss in the app.
This is the simplest solution. You can change both definition file and qss file outside the app and apply it without recompilation of code.