I would like to list the last commit date for a large number of files in a git repository.
For the sake of concreteness, let us assume that I want t
I'm somewhat late to the party here, but here's a little Bash script that uses the invocation in OP's #2, and does the postprocessing in awk. (For my use, I didn't need to see files that had gotten deleted as of the current date, so there's the existence check too.)
git ls-files | sed 's/^/+ /'
git log --format=format:"~ %aI" --name-only .
) | gawk '
/^~/ {date=$2;}
/^+/ {extant[$2] = 1;}
/^[^~+]/ {dates[$1] = date;}
END { for (file in dates) if(extant[file]) print(dates[file], file); }
' | sort