What would the equivalent to Java 8 :: (double colon operator) in Groovy?
I\'m trying to translate this example in groovy https://github.com/bytefish/PgBulkInsert
Groovy doesn't really have instance-divorced instance-method references (EDIT: Yet. See Wavyx's comment on this answer.), so instead you have to fake it with closures. When using instance-method reference syntax in Java 8, you are really setting up the equivalent of a lambda that expects the invoking instance as its first (in this case, only) argument.
Thus, to get the same effect in Groovy we have to create a closure that uses the default it
argument as the invoking instance. Like this:
PersonBulkInserter() {
super("sample", "unit_test")
mapString("first_name", { it.firstName } as Function)
mapString("last_name", { it.lastName } as Function)
mapDate("birth_date", { it.birthDate } as Function)
Notice the use of Groovy property notation here, and that it is necessary to cast the Closure
to the @FunctionalInterface
type expected by the mapString()
or mapDate()