Tried to find how to make {foo:\"bar\"}
from ?...&foo=bar&...
but googled and got only to jQuery.params
which does the opposit
In modern browsers, you can also use Object.fromEntries which makes this even easier.
function queryStringToObject(queryString) {
const pairs = queryString.substring(1).split('&');
// → ["foo=bar", "baz=buzz"]
var array = => {
const parts = el.split('=');
return parts;
// → [["foo", "bar"], ["baz", "buzz"]]
return Object.fromEntries(array);
// → { "foo": "bar", "baz": "buzz" }
The URLSearchParams interface can Interactive with the browsers URL search parameters. The browser support for URLSearchParams is pretty decent.
For your case, it would be:
Object.fromEntries(new URLSearchParams('foo=bar&baz=buzz'))